Paced Walking, Jogging, and running are all excellent forms of excercise for weight loss and may help surpress appetite and targets unwanted belly fat.

The American Heart Assiociation calls walking the most popular form of excercise among Americans. Brisk walking 30 minutes to 1 hour a day can help you burn calories leading to weight loss. Simply walking regularly can provide excellent health benefits including a decreased risk of heart and other various diseases.
Just walking one mile burns approximately 100 calories. Walking daily can reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabeties, high blood pressure, and depression. Walk in well-lit and populated areas and choose shoes that offer good ankle support to reduce your risk of injury.
Walking can offfer numerous health benefits to people of all ages and fitness levels. Whether your walking your dog, taking a stroll on the beach, climbing stairs at work or power walking they all improve cardiovascular health and help prevent obesity.
Studies show the regular walking even helps in the prevention of certain diseases and may prolong your life. Walking is free and easy to do and to fit into a daily routine.
Walking can help you burn calories and help you maintain or lose weight. Strenghten your heart; walking at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week can reduce you risk for coronary heart disease by about 19 percent. And your risk may reduce even more when you increase the duration or distance you walk per day.
Taking a short 15 minute walk three times a day after eating (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) may help lower your blood sugars. Research shows improved blood sugar levels after 45 minutes of walking during the day.
Other benefits of walking include: ease of joint pain, boosts immune function, boosts your energy, improved mood, extends your life expectancey, and tones your legs.
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Jogging or running in place at intensity can get your heart rate up so that you can burn up the 563 calories per hour. Studies have shown that jogging or running in place along with a healthy diet can help you reduce belly fat and lose weight.
Jogging is often defined as running at a pace less than 6 mph, and have can help improve your health. Studies have shown that moderate exercise, like jogging actually strenghtens your body's response to illnesses such as; short-term upper respiratory infections, and some long-term illnesses, like diabetes and hypertension.
How often should I run to lose weight? In order to shed unwanted belly it is recommended that you work your way up to 30 to 60 minutes of moderate jogging or excercise activity four to five times per week.
Moderate exercise can be beneficial in strenghtening your immune system. Prediabetes is a common conditions for Americans, largly as a result of our western diets. A condition that can in most instances be reversed. Research has shown that regular moderate exercise decreased insulin resistance in the cells of your body, decreased inflamation, and body fat.
It is important to note that moderate exercise can help protect the brain against the harmful effects of stress, aging, and decline. It is more clearly demonstrated in improved executive function, better performance, and making less mistakes.
There have been many studies done on the close affinity between exercise and managing sysptoms of depression. Studies show that for people who exercised regulary experienced lower levels anxiety and depression.

Running is considered a method of āterrestrial locomotionā that allow humans to move rapidly on foot. One 30 minute run is guaranteed to burn between 250-1000 calories depending on pace.
Running is excellent in building up cardiovascular endurance, especially if your not interested in playing sports or going to the gym. Its a pratical form of excercise that you can do on your own, with a running partner or a group.
Whether you are desirous of losing weight or a non-runner who is looking to start running to shed weight, gain energy while increasing your endurance, running is an excellent way to loose weight because it burns a lot of calories and continues to burn calories long after the workout ends.
Running is an excellent way to expend energy which demands we eat to stay energized. It requires little equipment excpet for quality shoes. It can be done any where at any time and there are many ways to keep things interesting.
There is no question that running is good for you but how many calories does running actually help you burn? Actually, the answer depends on you: specifically, how much you weigh, the more you weigh, the higher your caloric burn you will acheive.
Calories burned per mile
A general estimate for calories burned in one mile is approximately 100 calories per mile, according to Dr. Daniel Virgil, an associate professor of health sciences at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. However, standard caloric numbers vary depending on the individauals body weight.
According to the American Council on Excercise, a 120-pound person burns about 11.4 calories per minute while running. So if that person runs a 10 minute mile they will burn 114 calories. If a person weights 180-pounds, the calories they burns goes up to 17 calories per minute and would burn 170 calories running a 10 minute mile. The matrix is the same no matter how fast you run.
When you're excercising, you use energy. That energy is fueled by calories, one pound equals 3,500 calories. So if your goal is to lose 1 pound per week, you'll need to burn about 500 to 1,000 more calories than you take in per day, on average.
What we eat can be the difference between weight gain, loss or maintance and performance. That's why its important to have a healthy eating paln because an extra cookie or five can easily undo those calories that you burned during the workout.

If you've always wanted to start running but don't know where to start? You can become an more enthusiatic runner in just 6 short weeks! Run like you've never ran before. Find out how to avoid common mistakes that virtually all new runners make. Learn how to enjoy your training, Get Fitter, Build Muscle, Get Stronger and Rapid Weight Loss.
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Bonuses Include:
Runners Guide to Nutrition
Runners Guide to Preventing and Treating Injuries
How to Boost Your Metabolism
Healthy Smoothies for Rapid Weight Loss
Planning Your Sucess
Healthy Soups for Healthy Living
Glycemic 101 - How to Effortlessly Control Your Glycemic Index
The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) research concluded that the vast majority of people that lose weight and keep it off are exercisers. They reearched a population whose members have all the lost at least 30 pounds and kept the weight off at least one year.
Ninety percent of these individuals report exercising regularly, and the average member burns more than 2,600 calories a week in workouts. Running is a great way for you to lose weight and shed excess pounds and keep it off along with a balanced healthy meal plan.
Getting and staying fit is a lifelong journey. If you follow a regular exercise program faithfully you'll likely become stronger, more energetic, more athletic and healthier. By making your health a priority you will undoubtbly have to overcome obstacles that prevent most people from reach their goals.
Realizing the impotance of staying focused on your fittness goals, maintining a healthy diet and adopting beneficial habits that you can stick with for the rest of your life is building a strong foundation.
Why the Cardiovascular (Cardio) Workout is good for you!
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week in order to acheive the optimal health benefits. Running could fall into the high intensity catagory, depending on your fitness level.
In addition to helping you burn calories and weight loss; running, jogging, and walking has other benefits.
Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels to reduce your risk of heart disease
Lowering risk of osteoporosis
Improves symptoms of depression and anxiety
Choose any cardo activity you enjoy walking, jogging or running, indoors or outdoors. After a five-minute warm-up and stretching, choose 15, 30 or 1 hour activity at a comfortable pace. Cool-down with light movements or by stretching for five minutes. *But most importantly have fun.
Run Forest Run!!!