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  • Certified Paleo-Friendly Bars
  • 30-count Snack Bars
  • Non-GMO and Gluten-Free
  • No Grains, Soy or Dairy
  • Perfect mini size for lunches, travel or office snacks

    100 calories, 100% satisfying. Our Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut Bars are a bite-size balance of salty and sweet that satisfy your taste buds and are the perfect balance of healthy fats, carbs and protein. Always Non-GMO Verified and free from gluten, dairy, and soy these minis are easy to keep in your pantry or at the office.


      Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut Nutrition Bar Minis

      SKU: dark-chocolate-almond-coconut-1452414898

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        Jacob Victor es un individuo aventurero y que toma iniciativas, es tolerante y estĆ” ansioso por servir a la comunidad y hacer la voluntad de Dios para su vida.

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